Sunday, September 18, 2011


  Day 6

Wow so tonight was so fun!! I'm really happy I have people like I do in my life! I went to my best-friends, cousins' birthday party tonight and it was so fun!! She & her cousin is seriously so cool and nice! I had the best time. Her cousin is friends with two other people who attend university. I had so much fun meeting them tonight they where so awesome!  We got to eat steak and this yummy cake!!!

Also I am really happy for my other friend! Things seem to be working out for her and I really hope she can be happy with the outcome of the things happening! We have plans to go study in the library tomorrow... ><" nobody goes to the library but we just want to try something random!!! @..@ hope its fun ~

Recently I uploaded a cooking video to my YouTube page. I just made a post for it here! It is my first try at making one and I made a few mistakes on the editing but just watch it and try the recipe!! I know its not the best cooking video but I'm gonna make others! Support me !!!

Want me to save you a piece of cake ~ :3

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