Monday, September 5, 2011

Homewrok and Kpop ~

Day 3

So right now I really should be doing school work but I'm just to lazy! I have stopped going to high school for my senior year. I only need one credit left so I am just taking an online class at home! Doing an online class is so much harder because there is no set schedule!  With me that's kind of bad because then I have no motivation to do it! I am taking English 12 and Civics. To of the most boring classes ever. I really should just buckle down and do it right =..=" It is just so hard to when I could be blogging or listening to Kpop ~ 

That brings me to my next subject! Kpop. You guys may have noticed from my last post I listen to Korean Pop! I am totally obsessed with it and can never stop! It has taken over my life! I listen to the music constantly, watch some dramas, and variety shows. My top visited web site next to Facebook is! @.@ I can't control it! My ipod is literally only filled with Kpop. If you have never listened to it you seriously need to quickly! 
The song I posted in my last video was from one of my favorites HyunA, she is amazing >.< There are so many amazing groups out there!! Check out as many as possible! I am going to do Kpop updates with videos or songs I like periodically. I might do a special about a group or if someone relases a new album. I'm also thinking of doing Kpop rewinds and finding older songs that I love and showing you guys! 
So leave a comment and tell me if you like Kpop or what bands you want me to write on or your fave songs! I'll include it in posts!!!!! TEHEHE *^^* 


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